We Use Communications to Achieve Equity

Our mission is to use values-led communications to empower individuals, companies, and communities to drive change. We develop and execute integrated communications campaigns that adapt to shifting landscapes, influence evolving markets, and deliver results.

We Drive Change.

Better Together is a full-service, Black woman-founded, and purpose-driven communications agency.

We combine our passion for social change and advocacy to create a more just world.

Protestors march down the street holding megaphones and signs.

“Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need for each other.”

– Desmond Tutu

Our Advocacy Partners

Let’s Work Better, Together.

Better Together was founded with one goal in mind: support organizations that focus on making a positive impact on people by ensuring they not only talk about their desired impact but put that talk into action. Work with us to tell your story and take action.

Two hands clasped